Sunday, October 27, 2013

These Rules = Not Going... but I Changed My Mind

I would have gone, but the rules are off putting. Plus, it is at 12 PM! I don't get up before noon on any given day. I should buy the book and then stand on a line for a book signing and then not be allowed to pose for a photo with the author? I don't think so. Who the hell is he? Frankie Avalon? I am no sucker.

Get a load of this:
"Lineup will be outside front entrance. Each customer may purchase up to three books maximum. No posed photography, photos at the table or personalization. Promotional material or memorabilia will not be signed."

Update on 10/29:

So go figure! I went to this event and the line was not very long and the crowd was manageable. 

The table was waiting for the author to begin his book signings. 

And then... the author arrived and sat down. I was able to take a few photos from a distance, but then equipment obscured the view. So, I went home. 

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