Monday, April 6, 2009

and I miss YOU scarecrow... most of all!

Hey! Where did Wing Chun, Glark, Sars, and Miss Alli go? I miss the vitriol. I am sure they do, too. That must be hard: to have so much power and then to be like cheeses who stand alone. What happened there? I think that would make such an interesting interview. Call me, guys. We can talk over lunch at Le Sing Vert. I would of course ask you to respond to my letter to NBC/Bravo. And then I would ask you this: So how much fun were all those bans?

caption time!
the year: 2030
place: a TWoP convention in downtown Pittsburgh

question: This is a question for one of the former moderators. Can you please tell us what it was like to ban so many people?

answer: During my best year, I seriously banned at least 40 people a day. We used to laugh like crazy over those bans. I mean... we knew everybody knew we did it for the power, but the fun was in never admitting it. We could actually with straight faces tell TPTB that members were violating the rules, the dos and dont's. But we knew we were being like Beavis and Butthead over there. It was our little inside joke and it was a secret to be protected at all costs. Honestly, those years were the best years of my life. Now, all I have to look forward to are these cons. You guys are the greatest.
I heard that outside at one of the tables that old hag Marjorie is trying to sell her stuff: her letter to NBC and her page with her warnings and notes. Seriously, how old is she now? Do you guys think she knew who was leaving those comments at her blog? Nah... TOPIC! Whoa.. sorry, I had a flashback.

1 comment:

talk3talk4 said...

Enjoyed reading your work.


Best regards,

Robert Lau