Monday, April 15, 2019

Life is Like a Prescient Car Crash

We all have a death sentence. If we get the right tests and have the recommended procedures... all we really get is a stay of execution.

Life is like a prescient car crash. We can drive along a short road and crash, or we can take a detour and take the longer road... but eventually we will experience the crash. We can even eat candy along the way and have a great ride.

But the ride has to end. There is no choice involved.

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get".... but we do know the inevitable end of the journey.

So I suppose many will postpone that crash for as long as they can. But, the "killjoy" factor is built into the experience and we all have the same end.

And when we go... every single thing we learned and experienced and every memory is lost forever. AND, even if we reincarnate, we have to learn to read all.over.again.

We are like computers... and at the end somebody clears the browsing data.

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