Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Bielefeld Million.... Hoax

Are you serious? Bielefeldmillion? What is that?

This was a contest to prove Bielefeld does not exist. The prize was a million dollars.  So I and others, in good faith, entered. Of course it would be IMPOSSIBLE to prove because Bielefeld of course does exist. 

 They stated a winner would be announced on September 17, 2019. And today they posted this: 

"Many people in Germany know about the ‘Bielefeld Conspiracy’ and many know about our #Bielefeldmillion competition now as well. You might have already heard about it. If not, we can explain briefly to you what it’s all about.

 25 years ago, a guest arrived at a party in Kiel. This guest came from Bielefeld. “Bielefeld?” asked the others, because none of them had ever visited the city and so they didn’t know it. And so it was that some bright spark came out with the words “Bielefeld? There’s no such thing!”. At that point it was not really anything spectacular. But one guest made a particular joke of it: Achim Held.

 The computer scientist used the occasion to make fun of the conspiracy theory. For fun, he published a post on Usenet about how Bielefeld supposedly didn’t exist.

 The rumour – that Bielefeld doesn’t exist – still persisted for 25 years. So we asked the world to prove, that Bielefeld really doesn`t exist. The ultimate evidence for Bielefelds supposed non-existence was worth 1 Million Euro.

 How humorous and intresting (sic) the submissions were, nobody was able to prove that Bielefeld doesn`t exist. But thanks to all participants around the world. It was a lot of fun."

This was my entry:

Greetings from a time traveler! I am writing to you from decades into your future. I went back into the past with a photographer because on an obscure website I read about this contest in some old 2019 newspapers. 

When we arrived, the entire area of where Bielefeld was supposed to be geographically located is not visible and is concealed by thousands of weird murky hazy opaque covers. 

As proof, this is a picture of me taken by my photographer in 2019 at 52.0302° N, 8.5325° E. There are grey rectangles that stretch for miles and miles which totally conceal almost every sign of human habitation. 

After we returned to the future, I was puzzled. I have analyzed this phenomenon and I discovered that some of the buildings were very slowly starting to disappear in 1993 when CERN published the precise results on matter–antimatter asymmetry. 

And in about 2005, many structures were beginning to be hidden behind these weird grey pixillations and these blocks continued to appear through the decades until the entire city was erased. 

I have concluded that there was a ripple in time that resulted in Bielefeld becoming a mirage in 2019. In the year from which I traveled, most of us never heard of Bielefeld... but some old timers strangely have memories of that place! I am now convinced Bielefeld is just another example of The Mandela Effect! 

belie means to fail to give a true notion or impression of (something); to disguise or contradict.

Bielefeld does not exist.

I did make one error! I misspelled "pixelations." LOL However, they selected no winner. I actually think my idea was rather clever because much of Germany is actually concealed on Google maps behind grey shields.

I entered a total hoax? We took our time to enter a hoax? Why not at least publish the best and most creative? So I now call bullshit! 

And on September 20th this E-mail arrived with a link to a video!

the thank-you

And they did publish the reactions from all over the world

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