Thursday, September 10, 2020

Good-bye, Good Stuff Diner

The Good-Stuff Diner is permanently closing. The restaurant could not sustain the financial losses that were incurred during the pandemic. 

When I learned of this on the news, I was overwhelmed with sadness. So, I located sites where other former patrons could also be expressing their feelings over this information, and it was at facebook where I saw one heartfelt comment posted by a former  customer who said he was "gutted" when he heard the diner was closing. 

This restaurant was probably in business for about 15 years and during those years I went there often with friends, relatives, and even a viewer of my internet broadcast who, when she was in NYC, reached out to connect with me and that is where we dined. I can still see her dish of shrimp scampi on the table waiting to be devoured. 

I will miss this wonderful place. It is where I interviewed Robert Siegel and Wayno Drayno. But most of all I will miss the delicious food. This was one diner where you never got a bad meal. 

Can this restaurant be saved? I reached out to some in government and some reporters. But nobody responded. Why do these quiet stories that move so many people go unnoticed? And how is it even possible that this could make me cry? Maybe it is because so many places have closed and will be closing and the passing of time creates despondency because when the pieces fall away... all you have are the memories. 

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