Saturday, May 10, 2008

Dale Messick, RIP

from The New York Sun:

Dale Messick, R.I.P.
published: April 12, 2005
I was sad to read that Dale Messick, the creator of "Brenda Starr, Reporter" passed away ["Dale Messick, 98, Cartoonist, Creator of Brenda Starr," Stephen Miller, Obituaries, April 8, 2005]. I was an avid fan of that comic strip and I followed Brenda Starr's adventures all through the late 1950s, '60s, and early '70s. I can recall characters such as Merrie Rider, Widow Creeper, No-No Night, Hank O'Hair, and Aunt Abretha.
In the early 1990s, I developed a nostalgic interest in the comic strip and I wanted to pinpoint the date of a specific story. I can not recall through which publication I was able to track down Dale Messick. But, I learned she was living in Santa Rosa, Calif., and I was given her telephone number. I called and it was Messick who answered the phone. We spoke for quite some time about many of her colorful story lines, and she also told me that she most enjoyed creating Brenda Starr's glamorous fashions.
At the time we spoke, Ms. Messick was writing for a local senior newsletter and seemed to be enjoying what she called "the delightful weather of Santa Rosa." When I read today that she passed away, I remembered her open and friendly personality. In his obituary, Mr. Miller brought back the memory of Brenda Starr, one exciting heroine. And it seems Dale Merrick had a life filled with great adventures of her own.

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