Tuesday, August 5, 2008

figments of fever dreams, alas just dreams

the above? just a little documented growth spurt...
and now for an update: I have been posting for weeks at TWoP under a new user name. What fun! I never leave my apartment. I am all over those forums. I post here and there and everywhere. I am like a TWoP posting energizer bunny. I registered on another computer with an unrecognizeable E-mail address. Let's see if they can catch a butterfly. I will have a ban news flash when and if. I am back and the experience is like a wicked fever dream. I am deliriously licking my chops! Maybe it is all a fever dream. Maybe it is a figment of my imagination. It feels so surreal.... In any event, I have arrived and my friends are making me a celebration "return to TWoP" party at Le Singe Vert. I will be decked out in a Chloe. I will enter to Dean Martin's "Ain't that a Kick in the Head." And then we will dine on Les Escargots and then L'onglet De Boeuf Sauce Marchand De Vin. And for dessert, the cake will be a chocolate mocha rose tier. Yum!
Let's see if they can find me through some well-placed clues. It can be a game just like "Find Elmo!"
clue #1: I was in "Shear Genius." Hair is so my thing. Then I left footprints in "Cash Cab." They won't ever find me. Or will they? What will be the charge when captured? A font felony? Trespassing? They should have activated an online restraining order! So many delicious forums! So little time! Jeeves, pass me the old fashioned pewter feather pen and ink bottle, my nom de plume has arrived. Oh, the joy! What a great day in cyberspace!
(clue #2: I began a sentence with a noncapitalized letter)

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