Sunday, February 15, 2009

found outtakes

I've written a letter to Daddy / His address is Heaven above / I've written "Dear Daddy, we miss you / And wish you were with us to love" / Instead of a stamp I put kisses / The postman says that's best to do / I've written a letter to Daddy / Saying "I love you" /

Elvira Stitt: [shocked at some obscenities Jane has scrawled] I can't remember the last time I saw words like that written down!


Anonymous said...

"Sign here. I'll skip the mental test, you look normal enough."

Anonymous said...

Quit shaking the tambourine.

Anonymous said...

He's like a cop I was sweet on once. He had to work guys over for no reason at all, just because it made him feel important. If I'd known I wouldn't have started on you.